The Morning Glorious

Gardening By the Seat of My Pants.


I pulled about half the carrots out of the container yesterday and they got mixed into a salad. About half the ones I pulled were ready to come out and the other half were tiny, but still very edible. Yay carrot harvest!

I love growing food.

Photos from 7/27

Celestial Mix Up Close

Fully-opened sunflower.

Baby Watermelon.

Heavenly Blue, finally open.

White Cypress also finally open.


Wildflowers from Out Back

Photos from 7/22

First (and still only) open sunflower. One of the other ones is taller than I am-- it's at least 5'5"

Celestial Mix Morning Glory. I don't think I'm going to be planting this one again.

The broccoli is doing something.

Watermelon flower.

Marigolds finally going. The flowers are tiny!

Morning Glory Seeds

Calendula Seeds-- not sure if these are ripe, actually.

Update on out-back garden.

Pumpkin buds.

More updates:

Watermelon from the 16th

Watermelon from the 18th

Scarlet Magic Tassel going to seed.

Second round of beets.

Moonflowers making a move on the tomato trellis.

Big tomatoes.

Sunflowers on the make.

New Morning Glories

My Grandpa Ott's Morning Glory has been blooming like crazy. The Celestial Mix put out some purple ones that look like Grandpa Ott (but not as hardy-- they are usually dead by 10 whereas the Grandpa is alive until noonish) but today, it put out some white ones with pale blue stars:

Grandpa has been putting out some seed pods, I'm excited to collect them:

Blossom End Rot

One of my tomato plants has blossom end rot-- I did some research and it should only be the first few fruit that have it. I've pulled off about 5, so far-- we'll see if it keeps up. I hope not.


There was a butterfly in my garden yesterday. I poked around to see what it might be. I'm pretty sure that it's in the pieridae family and that it's probably a sulphur of some sort.

I also have some baby tomatoes:

...and some marigolds:

The marigolds are an heirloom variety called Starfire Signet-- the flowers are about the size of my thumb nail-- it's pretty neat.

My Beets!

My garden beets looked and tasted better than the ones I picked up from the farmers' market.

Kit and Kristin came over for dinner in the garden. Kit's been away on tour for months - so I figured that the vegan equivalent of slaughtering the best cow in honor of his return, was pulling all the beets. I made a minted beet salad, sauteed the tops in garlic, got corn on the cob, and fake meat skewers. I wish I'd taken pictures of the cooked beets, but I forgot, and they got gobbled right up.

I also got hydrangea to make a centerpiece:

I love hydrangea, but I have a pet peeve about it. It turns up at weddings ALL the time, but it means : frigidity, heartlessness, bitter parting, "thank you for understanding," apologies. There are some places that have put positive spins on it recently. People, don't think about such things.

Dinner in the Garden & Nightfall

I've been meaning to take photos of the garden after dark. First AVR, Joe Mama, Dougie & I had dinner in the garden. Dougie's family owns a fish market and he brought some fab shrimp (and chicken for me). He also made a wine spritzer-- white wine, sprite, and strawberries. We had a good little meal.

after dinner


I worry sometimes when I hear about declining bee populations....especially in the city...I worry that I'll have to hand pollinate my veggies. But then I see them:

Someday I'd love to have some bees of my own. I'd give them plenty of fuel.

Big Show

Today I got a big show from some of my one-day bloom plants. There are almost 20 Morning Glory flowers and 3 Tigridia.

This is one of AVR's favorite spots in the upper garden. It's one of my moonflower plants in an old ceramic skull of hers.

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