My partner-- I generally refer to her in my other blog as AVR because she has a long name-- when we first met was a firm Bostonite. Although she is an ex-Mainer, she does not own it. Or did not. The deck that I garden on was a place to put trash when she was too lazy to take it all the way out. It was covered in beer cans that another roommate (and her alcolholic bff) left there...and broken furniture from the house.
Then I started the garden.
Then I pushed until she let me get a compost bin. The compost bin was subsidized by the city. Most urban areas do it-- $100 bin for $25. Sold.
Our back yard is paved but for a 6 inch swath where the stockade fence has drifted away from the macadam. As there was nowhere to anchor the compost bin to, I laid some bricks on the rim. They work just fine.
Anyway, AVR started getting into composting and the garden and now she secretly reads about urban homesteading and wants to keep chickens....just a pair of hens for eggs. We were chatting about it sleepily the other night and decided they'd be named Adelaide and Five. Then I discovered Eglu:
Seriously-- looks like an iMac and chickens live in it.
I am now on board with chickens. Somerville permits them, too.
We like to think that we are drifting from the grid. Dream house will have a wind turbine, a big garden, and chickens out back...and oh the compost.
Compost I Have Loved and Chickens I Would Like
Posted by
Kelly G.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
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