The Morning Glorious

Gardening By the Seat of My Pants.

Photo Post

Here are some of my garden shots:

Views from some 3rd floor windows:

My sunflowers are budding.

View down the long rail, I hope the railing gets swallowed up in vines by the end of July.

Mound of dahlia.

My blooming lavender.

Unruly garlic tops.

A sunny photo of my bushy cypress.

My Black Velvet Nasturtiums look more scarlet than chocolate brown.

The marigolds are big but haven't budded yet.

One of my bigger moonflowers. One of the vines has started to inch its way up my homemade tomato trellis.

Baby Sugar Baby

Scarlet Magic Tassels. They're super neat looking.

The brocs are also pretty big but budless.

This is the beet that came out of the ground today. I'll post that photo tomorrow.

The tigridia in action. You can see my Grandpa Ott's MG in the background of the first one.

Here's a close on some of Grandpa:

I need a macro lens.

Most recent photo- 7/5 - tomatoes flowered for the first time.


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